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Tag: returns

Articles tagged as Returns

Profiting from the Anomalies

Posted on December 2, 2023 by Donald Travers
There are a variety of factors that affect currency markets levels on a minute-to-minute basis.This consists of inflation data, gross domestic product (GDP), interest levels, unemployment, supply, demand, political changes, and broader economic forces, amongst others.Complicating this are some general market trends, which were determined historically to exist.Like their share-price-based brothers, these currency markets anomalies might provide buying opportunities for investors...

Invest in Shares and Stock up Some Profit

Posted on April 25, 2023 by Donald Travers
In the modern world who doesn't desire to be rich? There are many means of making some quick dough; one would be to queue up for among those reality shows on television and another more viable one would be to put your cash in a few smart investment.If you explore the investment market, you will discover several options that may make your cash grow for instance savings accounts, trusts and property market...