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Tag: quality

Articles tagged as Quality

A Common Misconception about Stock Prices

Posted on June 16, 2022 by Donald Travers
I cringe every time I hear a novice investor inform me that they only buy low priced stocks because they offer greater potential profits.A frequent stage I hear is"I love to buy $1 and $2 shares as they can double easily and I'll make a 100% gain".My response is to always let these folks know that"stocks are priced low for a reason, just as stocks priced high are there for a reason".Like anything in life, quality is not provided at a discount...

Play another Day

Posted on February 12, 2022 by Donald Travers
Money management starts with protecting your capital, realizing profits and cutting losses.As I have stated previously, without cash, you can not invest.Cash is king and learning how to manage your cash is the most important aspect to investing in stocks.The game is won by lowering your risk by properly turning the numbers in your favor.Cutting losses is the best insurance to keeping your cash.Emotions fuel the choices of several investors; leading the bunch is hope, fear and greed...