Making a Stock Watch List
Posted on July 21, 2022 by
Donald Travers
I am taking the opportunity to help others learn the fundamentals in assessing stocks for investment using the technical and fundamental analysis.Both tools are equally important in making serious decisions with your hard earned CASH!If you would like to invest in stocks, then treat it like a business, NOT A HOBBY.(ex: a retail outfit can not earn money if it does not have products to sell; the exact same is true for investors, without money, you can not invest)...
Play another Day
Posted on June 12, 2022 by
Donald Travers
Money management starts with protecting your capital, realizing profits and cutting losses.As I have stated previously, without cash, you can not invest.Cash is king and learning how to manage your cash is the most important aspect to investing in stocks.The game is won by lowering your risk by properly turning the numbers in your favor.Cutting losses is the best insurance to keeping your cash.Emotions fuel the choices of several investors; leading the bunch is hope, fear and greed...
Ignore Stock Market 'Talking Heads'
Posted on May 23, 2022 by
Donald Travers
You should ignore analysts on TV, the radio, the paper and other TALKING HEADS when it comes to investing!What stocks do they speak about? - The same old group, every day of every year - Why? Since they do not know any better, they're sheep such as the general public, repeating what every economic textbook states and every other economist tells them to say.Everyday, the very same organizations are highlighted on the evening news...
Why the Majority Fail at Stock Investing
Posted on April 14, 2022 by
Donald Travers
The gleam and bright lights of Wall Street lure in several new investors annually, only to send them home crying to their family and friends.Why do so many people fail when it comes to the stock exchange? The reason is quite simple: Hard work! Most individuals are searching for a fast buck or a quick path to riches.This isn't the case when it comes to investing in individual stocks.If you would like to invest in stocks, then treat it like a business, NOT A HOBBY...
Forces that Move Stock Prices
Posted on March 17, 2022 by
Donald Travers
One of the largest forces that affect stock prices are inflation, interest rates, bonds, commodities and currencies.Sometimes the stock market suddenly reverses itself followed by printed explanations phrased to suggest that the author's keen observation allowed him to predict the market turn.Such circumstances leave investors somewhat awed and amazed at the infinite amount of continuing factual input and infallible interpretation required to avoid going against the industry...